Cost: $180/session payable online before each session.
Refund requests must be sent by email at before Friday, 12:00 pm prior to the program paid for. No refund will be issued otherwise.
The last session will be free for attendees who participate in the first 9 sessions.
Certificate Program in Jungian Studies
For Non-Clinicians
September 2020 – June 2021
(Videoconference + In-Person)
The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles offers a Certificate Program in Jungian Studies for non-clinician. This version of the Certificate Program is intended for a public interested in the in-depth study of Jung’s psychology. It is not limited to licensed mental health professionals. Each session will be made up of two parts: the morning (9:00 am-12:00 pm) [Pacific Time] will be devoted to the didactic part of the program and the afternoon (1:00-4:00 pm) [Pacific Time] to its experiential part.
Certificate: A Certificate in Jungian Studies will be awarded to participants after completion of the program. Participants may miss 2 classes at most and still receive the certificate.
Due to the current corona pandemic, the format of this program is hybrid: online through a secure videoconference service, and in-person if /when speakers and most attendants can be present in the same room. A number of places will be reserved for online-only attendees from other states.
Continuing Education credits are not available for this program.
Schedule of Seminar Courses
Saturday, September 26, 2020
An Introduction To Jung’s Key Concepts
Presented by Marlene Frantz, M.A., M.F.T.
The morning session will begin by taking time to introduce ourselves, share the path that led each one of us here, and explore some of the similarities and differences between our histories and our interests. We will then move into an introduction of some of Jung’s key concepts presented in Two Essays on Analytical Psychology such as the persona, the ego, the shadow, the anima and animus, the collective and personal unconscious, the Self, the spirit of the times and the spirit of the depths.
In the afternoon we will turn our attention to the spirit of the times and how the current moment that we are living through is affecting us collectively and as individuals. Students are encouraged to spend time before class thinking about what comes when they look through current events like the Black lives Matter movement and the global pandemic through a Jungian lens
Marlene Frantz, M.A., M.F.T., is a Jungian analyst, a group psychotherapist and an equine therapist in private practice in Santa Monica and Topanga, California. She has contributed articles and been a featured artist in Psychological Perspectives; is a member of the teaching faculty of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and Jung in Ireland; and has lectured on creativity, grief, facing mortality, and equine therapy. In addition, she has lead groups and workshops in Los Angeles on the creative process, dreams, uncovering personal rituals around food, and rebuilding one’s life after loss.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Individuation and the Realization of the Self
Presented by Stephen Kenneally, M.A., M.B.A., M.F.T.
Individuation—the lifelong development of the personality—is central to Jung’s psychology. It is the process of realizing a distinctive expression of oneself that is often symbolized as a heroic quest for transformation and the achievement of wisdom. While aspects of this concept have been embraced by popular culture, Jung’s individuation describes a far more intricate process of self-realization that involves a deepening relationship to one’s unconscious with the help of Jung’s concepts of shadow, anima, complexes, archetypes, and Self.
The class will cover the theory in the morning and use the afternoon to do some experiential exercises to demonstrate ways to deepen one’s relationship to the unconscious and to facilitate one’s individuation.
Stephen Kenneally, M.A., M.B.A., M.F.T is a Jungian analyst practicing in Santa Monica, CA. He worked in finance in NYC and in 1998 left Wall St. and moved to the Shalom Mountain Retreat Center in upstate New York where he trained in bio-energetics, group counseling, and Jungian psychotherapy. In 2000, Stephen moved to Los Angeles to further his training at Pacifica Graduate Institute, Counseling West, and the C.G Jung Institute of Los Angeles. He currently divides his time between his private practice in Santa Monica, teaching at Antioch University, his supervisory and committee work at the Institute, and his family.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Somatic Perceptions Through a Jungian Lens:
Using the Body to Dialogue with the Unconscious
Presented by Athena A. Carrillo, M.A., M.F.T.
Similar to dream analysis, one might approach the body as a means of engaging the unconscious and the tension of opposites through a somatic expression of an internal experience. Jung described the process of psychoanalysis as the union of these opposites which ultimately allows the individual a relationship with the larger Self and greater connection with the whole of the personality.
In the morning session, we will discuss some of Jung’s writings pertaining to the unconscious, the tension of opposites, and their union in the “transcendent function.” The afternoon session will be an opportunity to experience these concepts through the body, utilizing active imagination and Kundalini yoga, in which Jung found parallels.
Athena A. Carrillo, M.A., M.F.T. is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Eagle Rock who is also certified in Kundalini yoga. She specializes in working with adults addressing childhood trauma. While a pre-medicine student and physical therapy assistant, Athena began to perceive in patients the connection between their physical symptoms and psychological trauma, in succession with intuitive experiences of unconscious-unconscious communications between herself and her patients. Her passion for exploring this interconnection led to a master’s degree in body-oriented psychotherapy at John F. Kennedy University, where she discovered a deep resonance with Jung’s work, which eventually led to her training as a Jungian analyst.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Jung’s Typology
Presented by Steven Galipeau, M.A., M.Div.
Jung’s interest and evaluation of human typology first emerged during his association with Freud, his dialogues with Han Schmid-Guisan, and then developed further through his profound inner experiences as reported in The Red Book. Psychological Types was his first major work after this period of his life. We will examine the development of Jung’s theory of typology throughout Jung’s life and later by several Jungians, and while doing so we will explore various applications of psychological types and the cultural implications of typology in our current age.
Steven Galipeau, M.A., M.Div., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Woodland Hills and president and executive director of Coldwater Counseling Center in Studio City. The author of The Journey of Luke Skywalker: An Analysis of Modern Myth and Symbol and Transforming Body and Soul: Therapeutic Wisdom in the Gospel Healing Stories, Steve has also written several articles and reviews for various Jungian journals and lectured nationally and internationally on a variety of topics related to analytical psychology.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Dream Images of the Collective Unconscious:
Their Transformative Healing Power
Presented by Michal Aizenman, L.P.C.C.
“The Collective Unconscious contains the whole spiritual heritage of mankind’s evolution, born anew in the brain structure of every individual” – C. G. Jung.
In this theoretical and experiential presentation, participants will have the opportunity to work through a dream from a Jungian perspective. Using amplification, active imagination, as well as the four functions, we will discuss ways of elaborating dream images, including how to distinguish between images from the personal vs. the collective unconscious; demonstrate the use of alchemy in interpreting dream images; and explore the role of developmental theories as a means of illuminating the ways in which a dream can shed light and explain certain aspects of the dreamer’s life situation and personal history. In particular, we will focus on and witness some of the ways in which the power and energy contained in a dream have the potential to heal and transform the psyche.
Michal Aizenman, L.P.C.C., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in West Los Angeles. She trained as a clinical psychologist and Jungian analyst in Israel, where she worked in psychiatric hospitals, out-patient clinics, and the military, in addition to her private practice. She has taught at Dartmouth College and at UCSC and is currently teaching through the UCLA Extension Program as well as the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. Michal’s current interests are dreams and neuroscience. Michal teaches and lectures regularly on dreams and dreaming.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
The Archetype Of Time:
Imaginal Exploration Of Our Moment of Birth
Presented by Brockton D. Hill, J.D., M.A.
In two scholarly works, Jung’s Studies in Astrology: Prophecy, Magic, and the Qualities of Time (Volume 1) and The Astrological World of Jung’s ‘Liber Novus’: Daimons, Gods, and the Planetary Journey (Volume 2), the psychological astrologer, Jungian Analyst, and historian Liz Greene documents the profound impact Jung’s very individual understanding of astrology had on the entirety of his work. In particular, Dr. Greene demonstrates how Jung’s Liber Novus may be read as Jung’s confrontation with the archetypal energies constellated at the moment of his birth and as his journey through the symbols of his own astrological chart. She also illustrates how he derived his therapeutic technique of active imagination from, among other things, his understanding of the antique method of theurgy, or god working.
Morning Session:
We will explore Jung’s relationship to astrology and how it influenced some of his core theoretical concepts, such as complex, typology, individuation and the Self. There will be a focus on his later theoretical writings, including Aion, and how he viewed the contrasting collective psychologies of the age of Pisces and the present or soon to come age of Aquarius.
Afternoon Session:
Using the astrological bread crumbs Jung scattered throughout Liber Novus as a guide, this part of the seminar will encourage participants to begin the process of exploring and interacting with the archetypal energies constellated at the moment of their own birth. This will include a discussion of the astrological concept of the oikodespotes, or planetary chart ruler, including which planet might carry that moniker for each participant. For Jung this was the planet Saturn and manifested imaginally for him as the figure Philemon. Participants having some familiarity with their own astrological birth chart would be helpful but not necessary.
Brockton D. Hill, J.D., M.A., M.F.T. is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Pasadena and Los Angeles, California. He is a past president of the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles where he also teaches in the analyst training program. He has lectured on various subjects from the perspective of Jungian Psychology, including dreams, mythology, the qabalah, tarot, and The Red Book, and he is the author of several articles, including “Living in a Time of Nonsense: Lessons from Liber Primus in the Face of the Rounds of Hades.” He is a graduate of the UCLA School of Law and Pacifica Graduate Institute.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
The Numinous Path of the Twelve-Step Experience
Presented by Maggie Gwin, M.F.T
“You see, ‘alcohol” in Latin is spiritus, and you use the same word for the highest religious experience as well for the most depraving poison. The helpful formula therefore is: spiritus contra spiritum.” –C. G Jung, Letter, 1961
Bill W., the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, and Carl Jung exchanged letters in 1961, and agreed that a religious experience was pivotal in achieving recovery from alcoholism. This presentation will discuss the importance of developing a relationship to that higher power emphasized in both Twelve-Step Programs and in Jungian psychology. Discussion of Alcoholics Anonymous and its evolution will be interwoven with, and linked to, Jungian theoretical concepts, and include recordings and film clips of both Bill W. and Carl Jung.
There will be an emphasis on experiential sharing of one’s own encounters with the numinous in one’s Twelve-Step experience as well as one’s encounter with the numinous in other venues, such as Jungian analysis, dreams, religion or the arts.
Maggie Gwinn, M.F.T., is a Jungian psychoanalyst in private practice in Santa Monica. She has taught and supervised at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, Antioch University, Phillips Graduate Institute, and Maple Counseling Center. She is an AAMFT (American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists) approved supervisor and has developed a specialty working with high conflict couples. Because of her own creative life as an actress and playwright, she delights in her work with professional writers, actors, fine artists, and architects, as well as working with professionals in all fields to integrate creative energies that have not found an outlet.
Saturday, April 17, 2021
The Psyche in the World:
How Cultural Complexes Can Take Possession of Our Souls
Presented by Thomas Singer, M.D.
Morning Session:
Differentiating the personal, group, and archetypal levels of cultural complexes is not easy but can be quite rewarding in terms of helping ourselves and the groups to which we belong see more clearly how our lives are deeply influenced by these complexes which operate at many levels of the psyche. Drawing from his research in Australia, Latin America, Europe, and East Asia, Dr. Singer will examine the basic concept of cultural complexes and ways in which they operate—in individuals and in groups—that can be based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and national identity in the emerging global community. Utilizing case material we will look at a potent cultural complex manifested in the life of an individual. We will study some of the ways in which cultural complexes can live and function both within a group and between groups. Finally, we will focus on how archetypes can surface in cultural complexes.
Afternoon Session:
Throughout the workshop, participants will be encouraged to identify and share their own experiences of cultural complexes—whether it be in personal experience, clinical examples, or in the emerging national and world upheaval.
Thomas Singer, M.D. is a psychiatrist and Jungian psychoanalyst in private practice in San Francisco, and current president of National ARAS, an archive of symbolic imagery. Author of The Vision Thing: Myth, Politics and Psyche in the World, he has also edited a series of books exploring cultural complexes that includes Placing Psyche (Australia), Listening to Latin America, Europe’s Many Souls, and The Cultural Complex. The most recent books in this series include Cultural Complexes and the Soul of America and Cultural Complexes in China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan: Spokes in the Wheel.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
The Encounter of Opposites in American Film
Presented by John Beebe, M.D.
Identifying, contemplating, and trying in new ways to unite the opposing forces that are at work in our lives is basic to the Jungian approach to psychological problems. The same energies are especially well portrayed by leading stars in American films as their seemingly impervious characters engage, combine, and repel each other in hugely entertaining ways. In this seminar, Dr. Beebe will use clips from classic and more recent Hollywood films to explore what is meant by “holding the tension of opposites” and how that process can foster resilience, integrity, and creativity.
John Beebe, M.D. is a Jungian analyst and past president of the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco who has spearheaded a Jungian approach to the analysis of film. In teaching and writing, he has often used psychological type and archetype to explore both individual filmmaker creativity and the cultural and political unconscious as revealed by a moving film. Dr. Beebe’s books include Integrity in Depth and Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type. With Virginia Apperson, he has co-authored The Presence of the Feminine in Film.
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Jung and Science
Presented by Jeffrey Kiehl, Ph.D.
Morning Session: Bridging Psyche & Matter through Science & Jungian Psychology
How do we know the world? How does our way of knowing affect how we live in/with the world? In this course, we will consider how science looks at and defines our relationship to the world. The appearance of quantum theory and relativity radically revised how we know the world. Collectively, we still grapple with these revolutionary ways of knowing and their implications for how we live in/with the world. We will explore the physics of the quantum realm with all of its seemingly counterintuitive implications, the world of space-time and complete our journey reflecting on complexity theory. Parallel to our scientific exploration, we will consider how Jungian psychology complements and deepens psyche’s bridge with the outer world. Jungian concepts considered, include: active imagination, archetypes, synchronicity, and the psychoidal realm.
Afternoon Session: Manifestations of Ways of Knowing
In this part of our day together we will explore extraordinary, or paranormal experiences and their relationship to synchronicity. We will share our own experiences of extraordinary knowing and synchronicity and discuss how these experiences provide unexpected guidance in our lives. We will end the day by exploring the meaning of time in the individuation process.
Jeffrey T. Kiehl, Ph.D. is a diplomate Jungian analyst with both the C.G. Jung Institute of Colorado and the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and a member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology. He originally trained in theoretical physics and then worked as climate scientist for 40 years. Currently, he is an adjunct professor at UC Santa Cruz and on the adjunct faculty of Pacifica Graduate Institute, where he teaches a course on Ecopsychology. He is the author of the book: Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future. He lectures and gives workshops nationally and internationally on Jungian psychology, ecopsychology, and alchemy.
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Jung’s Approach to Spirituality: The Religious Function of the Psyche
Presented by Lionel Corbett, M.D.
This presentation will describe Jung’s approach to spirituality and religion and will present his discovery of the Self as an image of the divine within the psyche. We will discuss Jung’s idea that all forms of spiritual experience emerge from the autonomous depths of the psyche, which has an innate religious function. The presentation will describe a range of such experiences, known as numinous experiences, as they appear both in the spiritual literature and in our current lives. We will contrast Jung’s approach to the sacred with traditional theistic religious ideas, and contrast Jung’s approach to the image of God with traditional theistic God-images.
Dr. Lionel Corbett trained in medicine and psychiatry in England and as a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago. He is a professor of depth psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, California. He is the author of five books: Psyche and the sacred: The religious function of the psyche; The sacred cauldron: Psychotherapy as a spiritual practice; The soul in anguish: Psychotherapeutic approaches to suffering, and Understanding Evil: A guide for psychotherapists. He is the co-editor of four volumes of collected papers: Psyche’s Stories; Depth psychology, meditations in the field; Psychology at the threshold; and Jung and aging.