This certificate program extends over a ten-month period beginning in September 2017 and ending in June 2018. It is structured around seminar courses on Saturdays, once a month, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, each focused on a current topic in Analytical Psychology.

Case Consultation: Students will have the option of either a monthly Sunday morning group from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm, or small groups to be arranged at individual analysts’ offices during the week. The case conferences will provide an opportunity for discussion and integration of theoretical and clinical material.

The class is intended for licensed mental health professionals, including Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists.

Continuing Education:

Psychologists: The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists. The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

MFTs/LCSWs/MFCCs: The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles is accredited by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences to provide continuing education credits for LCSWs and MFCCs/MFTs (provider # PCE 318).

Nurses: The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles is an accredited provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (Provider #07986).

A maximum of 85 CEs can be earned, based on class attendance.

Sandplay: Continuing Education units can also be counted toward certification as a Sandplay therapist with the Sandplay Therapists of America (STA): 18 hours of “Jungian Theory”; 6 hours of “Introduction to Sandplay Therapy”; 12 hours of “Symbolism”; 52 hours of “Electives”.

A Certificate in Jungian Studies will be awarded after completion of the program.

Schedule of Seminar Courses

Saturday, September 9, 2017; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Symbols of Transformation: Jung’s discovery of the Individuation Journey

Presented by J. Gordon Nelson, Ph.D.

Jung’s first major text, Symbols of Transformation not only sealed his break with Freud, it laid out his discoveries of the psychic energy that propels us forward into life. From this flow of energy comes the symbolic content and personal contents that tells the story of who and what we are. With this multi-layered material we will be discussing Jung’s story of the healing value of consciousness, and how this has evolved in us, and how this still drives forward our own individual journey, and the progress of our patients.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe the kind of consciousness that is aware of a myth;
  • Give an example of each of the two kinds of consciousness we need to develop our self;
  • Give an example of how an instinct can develop into a symbol;
  • Describe how symbolic conflicts generate psychic growth;
  • Give an example of cultural images that develop consciousness through inner psychic conflicts;
  • Give an example of how the sacrifice of inner goal can produce an outer result, and hence a new world.

J. Gordon Nelson, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst and educational psychologist in Santa Monica. He has taught the complete C. G. Jung Collected Works Reading Program many times, as well as many individual training courses on Jung here, and other professional psychology graduate schools. He is a former president of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, and Chair of its Certifying Board for new analysts.

Saturday, October 7, 2017; 10:00 am  – 4:00 pm

Dream images of the Collective Unconscious:Their Transformative Healing Power

Presented by Michal Aizenman, M.A.

“The Collective Unconscious contains the whole spiritual heritage of mankind’s evolution, born anew in the brain structure of every individual” – C. G. Jung.

In this theoretical and experiential presentation, participants will have the opportunity to work through a dream from a Jungian perspective. Using amplification, active imagination, as well as the four functions, we will discuss ways of elaborating dream images, including how to distinguish between images from the personal vs. the collective unconscious; demonstrate the use of alchemy in interpreting dream images; and explore the role of developmental theories as a means of illuminating the ways in which a dream can shed light and explain certain aspects of the dreamer’s life situation and personal history. In particular, we will focus on and witness some of the ways in which the power and energy contained in a dream have the potential to heal and transform the psyche.

Learning objectives:

  • Give an example of images that originate in the collective unconscious;
  • Describe some of the differences between images from the personal vs the collective unconscious;
  • Describe what is meant by the term active imagination, and how it is applied to dream work;
  • Describe what is meant by amplification and how it is utilized in dream work;
  • Give an example of an alchemical image and its relevance to understanding a contemporary psychological experience;
  • Give an example of the healing power of working with one’s dream images.

Michal Aizenman, M.A., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in West Los Angeles. She trained as a clinical psychologist and Jungian analyst in Israel, where she worked in psychiatric hospitals, out-patient clinics and the military, in addition to her private practice. Her current interests are dreams and neuroscience. Michal teaches and lectures regularly on dreams and dreaming.

Saturday, November 18, 2017; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Jungian Foundations of Sandplay

Presented by Harriet Friedman, M.A. and Marion Anderson, Ph.D.

This presentation will provide the basic foundations of working with images in therapy, including Jung’s seminal article on the transcendent function, the self-healing aspects of the psyche, the notion of the Self, and the function of the symbol as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious. A brief history of Sandplay and case examples will be included.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe the function of archetypes in the psyche;
  • Describe the concept of the Self;
  • Describe Jung’s concept of the role of the opposites;
  • Give an example of the function of a symbol in a Sandplay case;
  • Describe the importance of the symbol in Jung’s work;
  • Give an example of how Sandplay can be helpful in a specific clinical situation.

Harriet S. Friedman, M.A., M.F.T., is a Jungian Analyst, in private practice in West Los Angeles. A founding member of Sandplay Therapists of America, she is a certified member of the International Society of Sandplay Therapy. Former Director of the Hilde Kirsch Children’s Center at the Jung Institute of LA, she is a member of its teaching faculty. She is also co-author with Rie Rogers Mitchell of Sandplay: Past, Present and Future (Routhledge, 1994) and Supervision of Sandplay Therapy (Routledge, 2007). For the last 25 years she has also lectured nationally and internationally on integrating Sandplay and Jungian psychology.

Marion Anderson, Ph.D., is a Jungian Analyst and clinical psychologist in private practice in Santa Monica. She is a certified Sandplay therapist and teacher who has lectured nationally and internationally. She has published articles in the Journal of Sandplay therapy, served as the co-coordinator of the Sandplay community of Los Angeles group, and gives workshops on painting inner images at the Jung Institute.

Saturday, December 9, 2017; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Jung’s Typology

Presented by Steve Galipeau, M.A., M.Div.

Jung’s interest and evaluation of human typology first emerged during his association with Freud and developed further through his profound inner experiences as reported in The Red Book. His first major work after this time in his life was Psychological Types. We will examine the development of Jung’s theory of typology throughout Jung’s life and later by several Jungians. We will explore clinical application of psychological types as well as the cultural implications of typology in our current age.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify the two attitude types and four functions of consciousness;
  • Assess the role of typology in the development of individual psychology;
  • Assess the role of typology in interpersonal relationships;
  • Assess the role of the superior function and the auxiliary function in the personality;
  • Identify problems related to the inferior function in the personality;
  • Identify aspects of typology in cultural differences.

Steven Galipeau, M. A., M. Div., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Calabasas and President and Executive Director of Coldwater Counseling Center in Studio City. The author of The Journey of Luke Skywalker: An Analysis of Modern Myth and Symbol and Transforming Body and Soul: Therapeutic Wisdom in the Gospel Healing Stories, Steve has also written several articles and reviews for various Jungian journals and lectured nationally and internationally on a variety of topics related to Analytical Psychology.

Saturday, January 20, 2018; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Visions, Shadows, and Complexes: Jungian Psychology As Viewed through The Red Book

Presented by Paula Smith-Marder, Ph.D.

Most of Jung’s psychological ideas originated early in his career as he developed The Red Book. With this in mind, we will explore The Red Book and Jung’s experiences in writing it. We will consider basic elements of analytical psychology with a particular emphasis on the psychological shadow and complexes.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe the significance of The Red Book as it relates to C. G. Jung’s later writings on psychology;
  • Identify three basic elements of analytical psychology discussed by Jung in The Red Book;
  • Describe what is meant by the shadow and give a clinical example;
  • Identify shadow material in a dream;
  • Describe what is meant by a complex and give a clinical example;
  • Explain what is meant by a complex having an autonomous nature.

Paula Smith-Marder, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist in private practice in Westwood. She is on the faculty of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and is past Director of Training of the Analyst Training Program. She lectures frequently on women’s dreams, animal imagery, and Mary in contemporary culture.

Saturday, February 10, 2018; 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Introduction to Alchemy

Presented by Pamela Power, Ph.D.

Jung discovered in Alchemy parallels to what he had discovered in working out his process of individuation. Alchemy became the central focus of all his later life work. In this class we will go over basic concepts and alchemical operations as they apply to clinical work and the understanding of dreams.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe how Jung discovered Alchemy;
  • Describe three alchemical operations and what they mean psychologically;
  • Describe why Alchemy makes Jungian psychology different from other analytic psychologies.

Pamela Power, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and Jungian analyst with a private practice in Santa Monica. She is a past Clinic Director and past Training Director at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles.

Saturday, February 10, 2018; 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Body in Analysis

Presented by Wendy Wyman-McGinty, Ph.D.

Often the body holds what the mind cannot, because the affects feel too much to bear. Drawing from case studies we will look at the role of authentic movement as a form of active imagination as a way of helping patients find an embodied connection to the psyche as it is experienced in the body. The role of psychic skin as a container will also be examined as an aspect of the transference and counter-transference relationship.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe what is meant by authentic movement as a form of active imagination;
  • Give an example of when it might be appropriate to introduce authentic movement when working with a patient;
  • Describe some of the factors which contribute to or hinder the development of a secure psychic skin in the analytic relationship.

Wendy Wyman-McGinty, Ph.D., ADTR, is a Jungian analyst, clinical psychologist, and dance therapist in private practice in West Los Angeles, with an interest in the somatic aspect of analysis, and its relationship to the development of a symbolic process. Her work has appeared in Spring Journal, The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Authentic Movement, Vol. II, and Supervision in Dance/Movement Psychotherapy.

Saturday, March 10, 2018; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Trauma: Yours, Mine, or Ours
One Jungian’s Approach to Trauma

Presented by Susan P. Frankel, J.D., Ph.D.

This course will examine various types of trauma, and its effect on patients in analysis. Some of the topics to be covered include dissociation, mind-body connections, neuropsychology, and the importance of dreams in traumatized patients. We will explore the analytic couple and some of the ways in which trauma can come into the analytic relationship.

Learning objectives:

  • Define various forms of trauma;
  • Explain what is meant by dissociation and give a clinical example;
  • Describe the effect of dissociation on non-verbal communication between the analytic couple;
  • Describe the relationship between dissociation and somatization;
  • Describe the effect of early trauma on adult patients;
  • Give an example of how an adult patient may present trauma without any conscious memories.

Susan Frankel, J.D., Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst in practice in Century City.She practiced law for seven years before returning to graduate school in psychology. Her interests include working with trauma, infant observation and intersubjective transference/countertransference. She has lectured both locally and nationally on The Use of Infant Observation with Adult Patients.

Saturday, April 14, 2018; 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

The Erotic Transference in Jungian Analysis

Presented by Mark Troedson, Ph.D.

The prohibition of sex in therapy is valid and protects the integrity and truth of the analytic work. However, in preserving ethical practice we do not want to inhibit the erotic nature of the transference that can enliven therapy by bringing light and warmth to this most intimate encounter. In this seminar, we will reflect on some Jungian approaches to remaining open to the erotic transference and countertransference as conditions of the field of mutual process.

Learning objectives:

  • Give an example from case material of the erotic transference;
  • Describe some of the clinical benefits of working with erotic feelings in the transference occupied by the analytic couple;
  • Describe the importance of the erotic dimension of the psyche in analytic therapy from a Jungian perspective;

Mark Troedson, Ph.D., M.F.T., is a Jungian Analyst in private practice in Encino, CA. Mark is Assistant Professor for the MA in Clinical Psychology Program and the Specialization for Spiritual and Depth Psychology at Antioch University, Los Angeles. He is on the Editorial Board for Psychological Perspectives. He has worked with children, teens, and their families for more than 20 years.

Saturday, April 14, 2018; 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Counter-Transference and the Mundis Imaginalis

Presented by Sherri Mahdavi, Ph.D.

The contribution of analytical psychology to the general area of countertransferance will be the focus of this talk. Some countertransferance reactions in the analyst are best seen as resulting from unconscious communications from the patient. in the analytic field. To understand the essence of this unconscious communication we will discuss Henry Corbin’s notion of the Mundus Imaginalis (The Imaginal World ) to shed light on this intermediate dimension ; in-between patient and analyst, as well as in between the analyst’s conscious and unconscious.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe the interactive field;
  • Describe the unconscious communication in analytic field;
  • Describe Corbin’s concept of the Mundus Imaginalis;
  • Identify the link between imaginal world of the soul and countertransference as communications from the patient;

Sherri Mahdavi, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Irvine, and a Jungian analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. She is also associate professor of Applied Clinical Psychology at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Southern California teaching Depth Psychology courses.

Saturday, May 19, 2018; 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Gender Equations: Experiences of the Syzygy on the Archetypal Spectrum

Presented by Bradley TePaske, Ph.D.

Moving beyond the concrete physiology of sex and gender, as well as Jung’s original symmetry of man and anima, woman and animus, this colorful offering will explore the dynamism of anima-animus as Syzygy: an ancient androgynous archetypal image and individuating force in the psyche of both sexes. Special attention will be given to primary relational dyads in the family with that of brother-sister as most fundamental to the syzygy. The provocative impact of encountering both the transgender individuals and kindred images in ourselves will be considered from childhood to individuation, sexually and religiously, all with the aid of art, film, poetry, and Gnostic myth. ”

Learning objectives:

  • Give an example of how the intrapsychic dynamism of gender individuates personality;
  • Give an example of a difference between a concrete physiology of sex and the metaphoric and symbolic psychic dimensions of gender;
  • Describe the intimate phychological relationship between sexuality and what is meant by a religious attitude.

Bradley A. TePaske, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist in private practice in Pacific Palisades and Los Angeles. Trained at the C. G. Jung Institute Zurich, he is also a religious historian versed in Gnosticism, Graeco-Roman Mystery Religions and Shamanism, the author of Sexuality and the Religious Imagination and an accomplished graphic artist.

Saturday, May 19, 2018; 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

A Wholistic View of Sexuality in Half a Day

Presented by Barry Miller, Ph.D.

This seminar will present an overview of human sexuality, including the physical, emotional, and spiritual dynamics that form the complexity of this fundamental and perplexing of human drives. Current collective views on the nature and meaning of sexuality will be explored, focusing on the subjective, cultural influences on our ideas and views about erotic experiences. The perspective of Analytical Psychology will be used to encourage a deeper understanding of clinical material that will be presented to demonstrate how the psyche expresses itself and its intentions through sexualization.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe the conventional use of the concept of sexuality and contrast this with a psychodynamic understanding of sexuality;
  • Describe and contrast how sexualithy is understood through drive theory and object relations theory;
  • Describe how sexual images in dreams are related to and differentiated from conscious experiences of sexuality.

Barry Miller, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist in West Hollywood. In addition to serving as faculty at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, he lectures frequently on dreams, sexuality, and transference and countertransference issues.

Saturday, June 9, 2018; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Archetypes and Symbols in the Individuation Process

Presented by Rose-Emily Rothenberg, M.A., M.F.T.

Using the image of the orphan, this presentation will explore the role of archetypes and symbols in the process of individuation. When we focus our energies on the archetypes and symbols that continue to appear in dreams and inspirations, renewed interpretations emerge. By becoming conscious of them as they are constellated and by achieving an individual relationship to them, we can discover how they are part of our psychology and can become significant guides for the inner and outer journeys of our transformation.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe how dreams incorporate archetypes and symbols;
  • Give an example of how archetypes are rooted in one’s personal myth;
  • Identify how working with symbols furthers the process of individuation;
  • Illustrate the beneficial role of identifying archetypes and symbols in dreams and visions;
  • Give an example of how symbols in myths and fairytales can be used to amplify a patient’s dream material;
  • Illustrate the archetype of the orphan in the Individuation process.

Rose-Emily Rothenberg, M.A., M.F.T., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Pacific Palisades, California. A member of the faculty of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, she has lectured nationally and internationally on the topics of psyche/body and the orphan archetype. She is the author of An Orphan’s Odyssey: Sacred Journeys to Renewal (2015) and The Jewel in the Wound: How the Body Expresses the Needs of the Psyche and Offers a Path to Transformation (2001), both published by Chiron.

Learning Objectives for Case Consultation:

  • Describe the transference/countertransference field and how it manifests in the consulting room;
  • Identify how complexes are manifested in projection;
  • Describe what is meant by an analytic or symbolic attitude towards the unconscious;
  • Explain how Jungian analysis is different from other analytic schools of thought;
  • Describe what is meant by the role of symbol formation in analysis, what contributes and what inhibits this process;
  • Describe what is meant by the ego-Self axis and give an example from clinical practice;
  • Describe what is meant by a complex and give an example from clinical practice;
  • Describe what is meant by the personal shadow, and give an example from clinical practice;
  • Describe what is meant by the collective shadow, and give an example;
  • Describe what is meant by the Anima and give an example from clinical practice;
  • Describe what is meant by Animus and give a clinical example;
  • Describe what is meant by an archetype, and give an example from clinical practice;
  • Describe what is meant by a complex having an archetypal core;
  • Describe how to use imagery from a myth or fairy tale as a means of amplifying a psychological experience;
  • Explain how typology affects the development of the personality using a clinical example;
  • Describe what is meant by projection and give an example from clinical practice;
  • Describe active imagination and how to work with it in clinical practice;
  • Describe the difference between ego versus Self perspective in dream interpretation;
  • Discuss the difference between a reductive vs an amplification approach to working with dreams;
  • Give an example of how the transference can manifest in a patient’s dream;
  • Give an example of how an archetypal theme manifests in dreams;
  • Describe the role of transference in the analytic process;
  • Describe the role of countertransference in the analytic process;
  • Describe the personal and archetypal aspects of the transference;
  • Describe how the therapist’s typology can affect one’s work with patients using a clinical example.