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The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal #14-1, 1995


The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal, Volume 14, Number 1, 1995




  1. Rosemary Gordon. Bridges: A Metaphor for Psychic Processes.
    Reviewed by Katherine Bradway
  2. Fred Plaut. Analysis Analysed: When the Map Becomes the Territory.
    Reviewed by Steven M. Joseph
  3. Encountering Jung: Texts, Subtexts, and Complexes.
    By Roger Brooke
  4. Jane Hirsheild, ed. Women in Praise of the Sacred: 43 Centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women. Janie Canan, ed. She Rises like the Sun: Invocations of the Goddess by Contemporary American Women Poets. Marilyn Sewell, ed. Cries of the Spirit: A Celebration of Women’s Spirituality.
    Reviewed by Naomi Lowinky
  5. At the Movies: Ed Wood
    Reviewed by John Beebe
  6. Michael Fordham, 1905-1995
Publisher:The C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
Product Dimensions:7 x 0.25 x 10 inches
Publication Date:1995