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The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal #12-3, 1993


The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal, Volume 12, Number 3, 1993




  1. Edward F. Edinger. Transformation of the God-Image: An Elucidation of Jung’s Answer to Job.
    Reviewed by Janet O. Dallett
  2. John Beebe. Ingetrity in Depth.
    Reviewed by Martin Stone
  3. Madonna, and Louise Kaplan, Female Perversions.
    Reviewed by Patricia Reis
  4. Phyllis Boswell Moore. No Other Gods.Reviewed by James Starr Witzig
  5. Izutsu, Wilhelm and Campbell on Images and Myths.
    Reviewed by Lois J. Parker
  6. At the Movies: The Fugitive.
    Reviewed by John Beebe
Publisher:The C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
Product Dimensions:7 x 0.25 x 10 inches
Publication Date:1993