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The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal #10-1, 1991


The San Francisco Jung Institute Journal, Volume 10, Number 1, 1991




  1. The Great Goddess Reconsidered: Recent Thinking about the “Old European Goddess Culture” of Marija Gimbutas.
    By George Hogenson
  2. Robert Bly. Iron John: A Book About Men and “What Men Really Want.”
    Reviewed by David Tacey
  3. Kalus Theweleit. Male Fantasies.
    Reviewed by Jay Sherry
  4. Robert F. Hobson. Forms of Feeling: The Heart of Psychotherapy.
    Reviewed by Martin Stone
  5. Emily Hancock. The Girl Within.
    Reviewed by Naomi Lowinsky
  6. J. Marvin Spiegelman, ed. Jungian Analysts: Their Visions and Vulnerabilities.
    Reviewed by John Deri
  7. Hayo Kawai. The Japanese Psyche: Major Motifs in the Fairy Tales of Japan.
    Reviewed by Allan B. Chinen
Publisher:The C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
Product Dimensions:7 x 0.25 x 10 inches
Publication Date:1991