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Testament to the Wilderness

By: C. A. Meier


In 1983, Swiss psychiatrist C.A. Meier delivered a fascinating paper at the 3rd World Wilderness Congress in Inverness, Scotland. Wilderness and the Search for the Soul of Modern Man addressed not only the tragedy of our vanishing natural wilderness and the need to preserve it, but also the necessity of preserving man’s ‘inner wilderness.’

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In 1983, Swiss psychiatrist C.A. Meier delivered a fascinating paper at the 3rd World Wilderness Congress in Inverness, Scotland.

Wilderness and the Search for the Soul of Modern Man addressed not only the tragedy of our vanishing natural wilderness and the need to preserve it, but also the necessity of preserving man’s ‘inner wilderness.’ A Testament to the Wilderness consists of Meier’s original address and thoughtful and provocative responses by nine concerned writers from around the world.

Publisher:The Lapis Press
Edition:German Edition
About the Author:Professor C.A. Meier has practiced as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist in Switzerland since 1936. A co-founder of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, he also served as its first president. As successor to C.G. Jung, he held the Chair of Honorary Professor of Psychology at the Swiss Federal Technical Institute and co-founded the Clinic and Research Center for Jungian Psychology, Zurichberg, in 1964. His numerous books and articles have made unique contributions to the understanding and practice of psychotherapy through much of this century.
Product Dimensions:5.2 x 0.5 x 8 inches
Publication Date:January 1, 1985