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Spring Vol. 83 (2010): Minding the Animal Psyche


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Minding the Animal Psyche, Vol. 83, Spring 2010

Table of Contents


  • A Note from the Editor by Nancy Carter
  • Guest Editor’s Introduction
  • Jung and the Parrot: Facts, Interpretations and Connections by Phoebe Greene Linden
  • The Art of Cultural Brokerage: Recreating Elephant-Human Relationships and Community by Carol Buckley & G.A. Bradshaw
  • Imagining Coexistence: What Grizzly Bears Have to Teach Us by Susie O’Keeffe
  • My Father was a Bear: Human-Animal Transformation in Native American Teachings by Jeanne A. Lacourt
  • Where the Wild Things Are: Dreaming the Bioregion by Patricia Reis
  • Discovering the Way Back to Solid Ground of Ethical Uncertainty: From Animal Use to Animal Protection by John P. Gluck
  • Animals on Film: The Ethics of the Human Gaze by Randy Malamud
  • We, Matata: Bicultural Living Among Apes by G.A. Bradshaw
  • Harbingers of (Silent) Spring: Archetypal Avians, Avian Archetypes, and the Truly Collective Unconscious by pattrice jones
  • Freud and the Family Horse: Exploration into Equine Psychotherapy by Vera Muller-Paisner and G.A. Bradshaw
  • Becoming Rabbit: Living with and Knowing Rabbits by Margo DeMello
  • Chicken-Human Relationships: From Procrustean Genocide to Empathic Anthropomorphism by Karen Davis
  • Developing Beyond a Narcissistic Relationship with Animals by Brenda Murrow
  • Re-visioning Eco-psychology: Seeing through Dream Animals to Species in Peril by Debra Merskin
  • The Evolution of Ethology: An Interview with Mark Bekoff by G.A. Bradshaw
  • Ecopsychology and the Sacred: The Psychological Basis of the Environmental Crisi by David Tacey

Film Review

  • The Cove, directed by Louise Psihoyos by Victoria Drake

Book Reviews

  • Liber Novus, that is, The New Bible: A First Analysis of C.G. Jung’s Red Book by Wolfgang Giegerich
  • On Soul and Earth by Elen Liotta (ed.) by Anne Noonan
  • The Presence of the Feminine in Film by John Beebe and Virginia Apperson by Elenora Baejova
  • Experiencing Hildegard: Jungian Perspecives by Avis Clendenen by Ursula Wirtz
  • Where the Shadows Lie: A Jungian Interpretation of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings by Pia Skoemann by Ruth Ledergerber
  • The Sister from Below: When the Muse Gets Her Way by Naomi Lowinsky by David Rosen
Publisher: Spring Journal
Publication Date: 2010