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The Sibling Archetype: The Psychology of Brothers and Sisters and the Meaning of Horizontality

By: Gustavo Barcellos, Foreword by Glen Slater


Barcellos’s groundbreaking study on the psychodynamics of brothers and sisters, published in Portuguese in 2009, has been revised and expanded for its English edition on the theme of horizontality by this leading Jungian analyst.

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Barcellos’s groundbreaking study on the psychodynamics of brothers and sisters, published in Portuguese in 2009, has been revised and expanded for its English edition on the theme of horizontality by this leading Jungian analyst. The fundamental role of the Sibling archetype in structuring and establishing individual adult life is undeniable, yet still dismissed. Brothers and sisters are powerful figures in our lives as we build our mature relationship patterns. Psychology must follow the movement that has been detected in other arts and sciences: the current search for the paradigm of brotherhood and horizontality. The Sibling is the archetypal basis for constructing the Other, and for recreating an idea and a sense of community within the new orders of the contemporary world.

Publisher:Spring Publications Inc.
About the Author:Gustavo Barcellos is a Jungian analyst practicing in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is the author of many books and articles in the field of archetypal psychology, imagination, and the arts. He has translated several of James Hillman's books into the Portuguese language and has been responsible for introduc­ing archetypal psychology to Brazilian students. For the past twelve years, Glen Slater has taught Jungian and Archetypal Psychology at the Pacifica Graduate Institute. His academic background includes degrees in Religious Studies and Clinical Psychology. He edited and introduced volume three of James Hillman's Uniform Edition of writings, Senex and Puer, and he co-edited Varieties of Mythic Experience: Essays on Religion, Psyche and Culture (with Dennis Patrick Slattery). Glen has also written a number of articles for Jungian journals and has previously served as a therapist and film review editor at Spring Journal. His areas of emphasis include: Jungian Psychology; Archetypal Psychology; Psychology of Religion; Technology and Psyche; and Cinema and Psyche.
Product Dimensions:5.5 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches
Publication Date:August 15, 2016