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Seeing Through the Visible World

By: June Singer


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From the author of Boundaries of the Soul, the classic introduction to Jungian thought praised by Joseph Campbell as “beautifully conceived and constructed” and by Robertson Davies as “the clearest and most coherent exposition of Jung’s total thought,” comes this fascinating look through the visible world that draws together depth psychology, Gnostic belief, and chaos theory to present a unified view of our complex universe.

Mos of us recognize that there is one world of everyday practical reality, and yet another world beyond the boundaries of common knowledge–a world that encompasses ideals, values, and most of all, the mysteries of the not-yet-known or the unknowable. June Singer, blending the insights of a lifetime with her experiences as a Jungian psychoanalyst, takes us on an extraordinary journey of discovery into the invisible world of mind and spirit that lies beyond the tangible.

We tend to live in the first world and venture from time to time into the second, but they are often separated and alienated from one another. Seeing Through the Visible World offers us ways to integrate these worlds within ourselves, so that both can exist at the same time, so that one world enriches the other. “There is no single way to come into touch with the invisible world,” writes Singer, “nor is there a practice that suits everyone.

Among the the many paths that seekers have discovered over the centuries, each person can find a way to the inner kingdom and a key that will open the ‘doors of perception.’ There is no particular way to begin; the beginning will come where an opening is found.”

Publisher: Harper & Row
Publication Date: 1990