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The Secret World of Drawings: A Jungian Approach to Healing Through Art (Studies in Jungian Psychology By Jungian Analysts)

By: Gregg M. Furth


The author’s deep compassion for those in need—adult or child— is evident in this authoritative application of Jung’s ideas as they apply to the interpretation of impromptu drawings and images from the unconscious in general.

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SKU: 0938434462 Category:


Here is a book so helpful and practical that a wide variety of psychotherapists, health care practitioners, educators and artist continue to replace their much-beloved, dog-eared copies every few years.

The author’s clarity of vision and deep compassion for those in need—whether adult or child, counselor or client— has led him to offer this succinct explanation of Jung’s ideas as they apply to the symbolism of imagery from the unconscious. Both the text and the many illustrations allow us to see how a healing path may be found through the expression of self in drawings and paintings.

A rich reference section invites the reader to an in-depth voyage through other readings in art therapy, Jungian psychology, mythology and symbolism.

Publisher:Inner City Books
Edition:2nd Edition
About the Author:Gregg M. Furth, Ph. D., is a graduate of the Jung Institute in Zurich. He has served on the faculty of California State University and John F. Kennedy University. He is a contributing author of Living with Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and is widely known for his workshops. He lives and practices in New York City.
Product Dimensions:6 x 0.8 x 8.5 inches
Publication Date:February 1, 2002