“It was he that gave me the key to really get in touch with what I call my soul. My spirit had always remained alive, but my soul hadn’t.” – Vera von der Heydt
Baroness Vera von der Heydt was raised in Berlin and met Jung in 1922 while helping to host a conference. World War II and a divorce brought dramatic changes to her life and she emigrated to England where she has lived ever since. Her own analysis began with John Layard, a gifted figure in the early days of Analytical Psychology. In time she traveled to Zurich to work directly with Jung and continued to consult with him periodically until his death.
In addition to her practice as an analyst, Vera von der Heydt was active in the training of analysts and in the presentation of Jung’s work to a wide public audience through radio and television. In 1976 she published Prospects for the Soul: Soundings in Jungian Psychology.
In this film, Baroness von der Heydt converses with Richard Adams, author of the novel Watership Down. The filming took place in the London home of Mr. Adams, in December of 1978.
Producer: George Wagner – Director: Suzanne Wagner, Ph.D. – Editor/Line Producer: Tee Bosustow – Music: John Adams.