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The Rites of Passage

By: Arnold van Gennep


Birth, puberty, marriage, and death are, in all cultures, marked by ceremonies which may differ but are universal in function. Arnold van Gennep (1873-1957) was the first anthropologist to note the regularity and significance of the rituals attached to the transitional stages in man’s life, and his phrase for these, “the rites of passage,” has become a part of the language of anthropology and sociology.

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Birth, puberty, marriage, and death are, in all cultures, marked by ceremonies which may differ but are universal in function.Arnold van Gennep (1873-1957) was the first anthropologist to note the regularity and significance of the rituals attached to the transitional stages in man’s life, and his phrase for these, “the rites of passage,” has become a part of the language of anthropology and sociology.

Publisher:The University of Chicago Press
About the Author:Arnold van Gennep (1873 – 1957) was a noted Dutch-German-French ethnographer and folklorist.
Product Dimensions:5.25 x 0.55 x 8 inches
Translator:Monika B. Vizedom, Gabrielle L. Caffee
Publication Date:1960