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Psychological Perspectives #52-1: Chaos and Creativity


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Chaos and Creativity by Gilda Frantz
About the Artist: Alfred Jensen by Nancy Mozur
Psychological Perspectives Is Going Quarterly!


  1. The Danger and the Treasure of the Inferior Function by Ann Ulanov
  2. Following the Footsteps of the Soul in Research by Thomas Elsner
  3. Illness as an Illusion of Misfortune: the Hermetic Wings of the Dragonfly by Meredith Oenning-Hodgson
  4. Spirit into Matter: Exploring the Myth of Science by Christophe Le Mouel
  5. Body and Soul: The Other Side of Illness by Albert Kreinheder
  6. Seven Paths of the Hero in Lord of the Rings: The Path of Tragic Failure by Robin Robertson


  1. After Reading Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking by Dianna MacKinnon Henning
  2. The Adirondack Chairs Are a Couple Facing Eastward jby Dianna MacKinnon Henning
  3. White Flowers/Black Berries by Kathleen Zundell
  4. It Was Here a Minute Ago–An Elder’s Lament by Claire Morris
  5. Hey John Coltrane by Clare Morris
  6. Journal Entries by Melissa Ann Reed
  7. Willows and Grasses by Joyce Nower

Book Reviews

  1. Threshold Experiences: The Archetype of Beginnings. (2008). Written by Michael Conforti.
    Reviewed by Dennis Patrick Slattery
  2. Inside Education: Depth Psychology in Teaching and Learning. (2007).  Written by Clifford Mayes.
    Reviewed by J. Marvin Spiegelman
  3. The Fountain of the Love of Wisdom: An Homage to Marie-Louise von Franz. (2006). Edited by Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas.
    Reviewed by Dianne Cordic
  4. Listening to the Rhino: Violence and Healing in a Scientific Age. (2008). Written by Janet O. Dallett.
    Reviewed by Deborah Wesley
  5. Channeling Your Higher Self. (1989/2007). Written by Henry Reed.
    Reviewed by Robin Robertson

Film Review

  1. Live and Become (Schlomo’s Odyssey). (2008). Written by Radu Mihaileanu and Alain-Michel Blanc.Directed by Radu Mihailenu.
    Reviewed by Suzy Green
Publisher:The C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Product Dimensions:6 x 0.3 x 9 inches
Publication Date:2009