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Psychological Perspectives #46: A Penetrating Light


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About the Artist: Charlene Sieg by Gilda Frantz
A Penetrating Light by Gilda Frantz


  1. The Old Wise Man by Time Magazine
  2. Celtic Ways Between Worlds by Sylvia Brinton Perera
  3. Animals in Art, Animals in Life by Neil Russack
  4. Encounters with Raven by Nancy Herron Knode
  5. Foundations of an Archetypal Pedagogy by Clifford Mayes
  6. Tooth and Nail by Meredith Sabini
  7. Deepening the Soul: An Interview with Murray Stein by Robert S. Henderson


  1. Burka I–For the Taliban by Claire Douglas
  2. Burka II–For Jelaluddin Rumi by Claire Douglas
  3. My Own Strange Song by Sharon Rodgers Simone
  4. Fallow, Before Written Language by Marjorie Power
  5. A Passion Poem by Batya Caspar
  6. Cracked by Rebecca Leinberger
  7. The Third and Fourth Thing by Kate Knapp Johnson


  1. Surrender by H. Gomez
  2. Orphan by Julia M. Jewett

Book Reviews

  1. Animus and Anima. Written by Marie-Louise von Franz.
    Reviewed by Ann Walker
  2. Recollections of my Life as a Woman: The New York Years. Written by Diane di Prima.
    Reviewed by Naomi Ruth Lowinsky
  3. Archetype Revisited: An Updated Natural History of the Self. Written by Anthony Stevens.
    Reviewed by Robin Robertson
  4. Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming. Written by Jonathan Shay.
    Reviewed by Dennis Patrick Slattery
  5. The Practice of Dream Healing: Bringing Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine. Written by Edward Tick.
    Reviewed by Mary Ellen O’Hare-Lavin


  1. Swimming Pool.
    Reviewed by Joyce King Heyraud
Publisher:The C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Product Dimensions:6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
Publication Date:2003