About the Artist: Charlene Sieg by Gilda Frantz
A Penetrating Light by Gilda Frantz
- The Old Wise Man by Time Magazine
- Celtic Ways Between Worlds by Sylvia Brinton Perera
- Animals in Art, Animals in Life by Neil Russack
- Encounters with Raven by Nancy Herron Knode
- Foundations of an Archetypal Pedagogy by Clifford Mayes
- Tooth and Nail by Meredith Sabini
- Deepening the Soul: An Interview with Murray Stein by Robert S. Henderson
- Burka I–For the Taliban by Claire Douglas
- Burka II–For Jelaluddin Rumi by Claire Douglas
- My Own Strange Song by Sharon Rodgers Simone
- Fallow, Before Written Language by Marjorie Power
- A Passion Poem by Batya Caspar
- Cracked by Rebecca Leinberger
- The Third and Fourth Thing by Kate Knapp Johnson
- Surrender by H. Gomez
- Orphan by Julia M. Jewett
Book Reviews
- Animus and Anima. Written by Marie-Louise von Franz.
Reviewed by Ann Walker - Recollections of my Life as a Woman: The New York Years. Written by Diane di Prima.
Reviewed by Naomi Ruth Lowinsky - Archetype Revisited: An Updated Natural History of the Self. Written by Anthony Stevens.
Reviewed by Robin Robertson - Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming. Written by Jonathan Shay.
Reviewed by Dennis Patrick Slattery - The Practice of Dream Healing: Bringing Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine. Written by Edward Tick.
Reviewed by Mary Ellen O’Hare-Lavin
- Swimming Pool.
Reviewed by Joyce King Heyraud