In this second book in the series, Map of the Soul – Shadow: Our Hidden Self, Dr. Murray Stein explores the dark recesses of our psyche, as well as the shadow images in BTS’s latest songs in their album Map of the Soul: 7. The Korean Pop band, BTS, has been taking the world by storm with a series of albums inspired from Dr. Stein’s concepts titled Map of the Soul. Dr. Stein has joined them in expressing these same Jungian themes in a companion book series.
The landscape of the soul has many contours and some hidden regions.
This book speaks about obscure, typically unacknowledged aspects of the psyche. The shadow may appear initially like an unwanted intruder but those who become acquainted with their shadow discover it to be a vast storehouse of treasures and resources on the journey of self-discovery. Whereas the persona is the part of your personality that is revealed to others, the shadow is the part of your personality that is concealed from others and ourselves. The shadow often declares itself through sudden, often brutal reversals. At the collective level, the shadow proves capable of magnetizing people in the same direction, often with very destructive results. The person intent on living a more full, authentic life will be well served by becoming acquainted with the shadow.