Why do people seek psychotherapy or analysis? Many reasons may be given, but there is usually one underlying motivation: the sense that all is not right with one’s life, that somehow a deeper meaning and purpose have been missed.
Jungian analysis addresses this concern, for beyond clinical treatment it involves personal religious development and attention to scientific questions about the nature of matter, mind and causality. Hence the subtitle of this book, for neither analysis alone, nor individuation without the reflective aspects of conscious work on oneself, constitutes the Jungian experience.
The broad canvas of Jungian thought offers one of the most practical and down-to-earth approaches to the human psyche in the entire range of psychotherapeutic theory. Many of its principles can be used in an eclectic practice of therapy, even without formal Jungian training. With this in mind, the author gives many clinical examples of how to translate Jung’s model of the psyche into practice.
This book is therefore addressed to three types of readers: 1) those considering entering Jungian analysis, 2) those already engaged in the Jungian experience, either as analysts or as analysands, and 3) those therapists of other theoretical backgrounds who wish to better understand the clinical application of the classical Jungian approach.