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Journal of Sandplay Therapy #22-1 (2013)


Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2013

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Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2013



  • Maira Kendler- Taming the Beast: Transformation of the Negative Masculine in a Woman’s Sandplay Process
  • Sarah Gibson- The Spider, Encounters with the Dark Feminine
  • Carol Wells- Sandplay and the Colors of Alchemy
  • Judy Zappacosta- Home to the Wilderness: Sensing, Becoming, Experiencing Soul in Sandplay Therapy
  • Adelina Wei-Kwan Wong- Healing From Abuse: Sandplay Therapy with Concurrent Drawings
  • Rosa Napoliello Balfour- Sandplay Therapy: From Alchemy to Neuroscience
  • Tadashi Maeda- Buddah in Sandplay Therapy: Symbolic Interpretation of Buddha and the Lotus Sutra
  • Patricia Dunn-Fierstein- Metaphorical Language in Sandplay Therapy
  • Audrey Punnett- The House that Dora Found
Publisher:Sandplay Therapists of America
Product Dimensions:10.5 x 7.5 x 0.35 inches
Editor:Joyce Camuyrano Cunningham
Publication Date:2013