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Journal of Sandplay Therapy #20-1 (2011)


Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 20, Issue 1, 2011

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Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 20, Issue 1, 2011



  • Geri Grubbs- From the Cosmic Egg Springs Forth Eros: Deintegration-Reintegration in the Evolving Ego-Self Relationship
  • Audrey Punnett- A Conversation with Kay Bradway
  • Paola Manzoni- The Body and the Wound: Analysis with Sandplay Process
  • Laura Soble- Caterina and the Howling Wolf: The Call for Connection
  • Jill Kaplan- Challenges to Containment in Sandplay Therapy with Children
  • Jacinta Frawley- The Vampire: Alive in the Sand
  • Linda Cunningham- Counter transference in Sandplay: The Heart and the Mind of a Loving, Attuned Other
  • Steven Herrmann- The Transformation of Violence: The Case of Jacob
  • Theresa Foks-Appelman- Finding the Path: The Case of Anita


  • Journeys Long and Short: Some of my 100 Years by Kay Bradway
    • Reviewed by Lauren Cunningham
Publisher:Sandplay Therapists of America
Product Dimensions:10.5 x 7.5 x 0.35 inches
Editor:Joyce Camuyrano Cunningham
Publication Date:2011