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Journal of Sandplay Therapy #17-1 (2008)


Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2008

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Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 17, Issue 1, 2008



  • Regina Driscoll- 19th ISST Congress “To See the World in a Grain of Sand” (W. Blake). Collective and Cultural Influences on the Ecology of Psyche in Sandplay, 2007
  • Jill Kaplan- Reflections on Sandplay in Switzerland: July 2007


  • Diana Jansen- Beauty and the Beast: The Healing Process of a Woman Involving a Reconciliation of the Conflict of Opposites
  • Marcella Merlino- Hidden Bodies and Revealing Sands: The Body of Drug Addicts in Sandplay Therapy
  • Diana Chee- The Ballerina: Archetypal Dancer
  • Yvon Riviere- Xena: Healing the Abused Feminine
  • Deborah Bedford-Strohm- Preparation for Death in Sandplay Therapy: A Journey into Light
  • Rosalind Heiko- Finding the Treasure Within: The Sandplay Journey of Stella
  • Deborah Mandelbaum- The Therapeutic Container in Sandplay Therapy


  • Supervision of Sandplay Therapy by Harriet Friedman & Rie Rogers Mitchell, Eds., 2007.
    • Reviewed by Lydia S. Lennihan
  • Supervision of Art Psychotherapy Edited by Joy Schaverien and Caroline Case, Routledge, 2007.
    • Reviewed by Donna Johnson
  • Forever After: New York City Teachers on 9/11 Edited by Teachers College Press with Maureen Grolnick, 2006.
    • Reviewed by Barbara Weller


  • Kay Bradway- Hayao Kawai, PhD: 1928-2007
  • Sherry Renmu Shepherd- Takao Oda, MD: 1939-2007
Publisher:Sandplay Therapists of America
Product Dimensions:10.5 x 7.5 x 0.35 inches
Editor:Joyce Camuyrano Cunningham
Publication Date:2008