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Journal of Sandplay Therapy #25-1 (2016)


Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 25, Issue 1, 2016

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Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 25, Issue 1, 2016



  • Michal Troudart- The Poetics of Space: A Dialogue Between Gaston Bachelard and Sandplay Therapy
  • Olivia Heathcote- At the Crossroads of Life and Death: Inhabiting the Body and Psyche
  • Anna Schwerdtfeger- The Resurrection of Osiris: Burying Trauma After 70 Years
  • Harriet S. Friedman- Collective Chaos- Past and Present: The Child Archetype as a Still-Point in Sandplay Therapy
  • Brenda Weinbert- The Still Point: That is Where the Dance Is
  • Tessamarie Capitolo- From “Dry Birth” and Mutism to Symbolic Birth and Thinking: The Many Dimensions of a Child Case
  • Marion Anderson- The Sandplay Collection and its Possible Implications in the Transference Relationship
  • David Capitolo- Sandplay as Waking Dream Images Hidden in the Emotions
  • Virginia Bunnell (Bunnie) Graham- Dreaming the Dream Onward: Using Active Imagination in Sandplay Therapy
Publisher:Sandplay Therapists of America
Product Dimensions:10.5 x 7.5 x 0.35 inches
Editor:Joyce Camuyrano Cunningham
Publication Date:2016