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The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (The World’s Classics)

By: James George Frazer


Most readers are familiar with the one volume version of The Golden Bough as an abridgement of the third edition, made by Frazer in 1922. The two-volume edition that was familiar to Hardy and Yeats remains a sketch.

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Most readers are familiar with the one volume version of The Golden Bough as an abridgement of the third edition, made by Frazer in 1922. The two-volume edition that was familiar to Hardy and Yeats remains a sketch. The full length third edition is Frazer’s definitive statement in which the King of the Woodappears in a radically new guise. That is the edition reprinted here.

Publisher:Oxford University Press
Edition:Abridged Edition
About the Author:Sir James George Frazer (1854-1941) was one of the arly pioneers in the sociological study of religion. He began his career as a classicist but it is for his work in social anthropology that he is best remembered. His most famous work, The Golden Bough first appeared in 1890 in a two-volume edition but was twice revised and expanded, the third edition appearing in twelve volumes in 1911-15. Frazer's other works include Psyche's Task, Totemism and Exogamy, The Belief in Immortality and The Worship of the Dead and Folklore in the Old Testament.
Product Dimensions:1.8 x 5 x 7.8 inches
Editor:Robert Fraser
Publication Date:November 1994