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For Love of the Imagination: Interdisciplinary Applications of Jungian Psychoanalysis

By: Michael Vannoy Adams


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SKU: 9780415644099 Category:


For Love of the Imagination is a book about the imagination – about what and how images mean. Jungian psychoanalysis is an imaginal psychology – or what Michael Vannoy Adams calls “imaginology,” the study of the imagination. What is so distinctive – and so valuable – about Jungian psychoanalysis is that it emphasizes images.

For Love of the Imagination is also a book about interdisciplinary applications of Jungian psychoanalysis. What enables these applications is that all disciplines include images of which they are more or less unconscious. Jungian psychoanalysis is in an enviable position to render these images conscious, to specify what and how they mean.

On the contemporary scene, as a result of the digital revolution, there is no trendier word than “applications” – except, perhaps, the abbreviation “apps.” In psychoanalysis, there is a “Freudian app” and a “Jungian app.” The “Jungian app” is a technology of the imagination. This book applies Jungian psychoanalysis to images in a variety of disciplines.

For Love of the Imagination also includes the 2011 Moscow lectures on Jungian psychoanalysis. It will be essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, students, and those with an interest in Jung.

Publisher: Routledge
About the Author: Michael Vannoy Adams is an internationally prominent Jungian psychoanalyst in New York City. He is a clinical associate professor at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis.
Publication Date: October 1, 2013