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Dream Child: Creation and New Life in Dreams of Pregnant Women

By: Regina Abt


The broad scope of the dream material analyzed in this book allows the authors to touch upon many subjects associated with the nature of the psyche, not only those relevant to pregnant women.

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The broad scope of the dream material analyzed in this book allows the authors to touch upon many subjects associated with the nature of the psyche, not only those relevant to pregnant women. The careful interpretation of the amplificatory material drawn from a wide range of cultures also makes this an inspiring aid for the understanding of dreams, valuable to psychologists, doctors, midwives or anyone else interested in this human subject.

Publisher:Daimon Verlag
About the Author:Regina Abt was first a school teacher, then studied folklore, folk literature and religious history. Later she obtained a diploma as an analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. Today she has a family with two children and practices as an analyst. Irmgard Bosch studied German literature and music pedagogy in Stuttgart and Freiburg, where she also worked as a high school teacher. Vivenne MacKrell studied Medicine in England and graduated in 1951. In 1954 she emigrated to Canada where she repeated her exams, and then practiced as a family doctor until 1980.
Product Dimensions:7.2 x 0.8 x 10.2 inches
Publication Date:January 1, 2000