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The Borderline Personality: Vision and Healing

By: Nathan Schwartz-Salant


An in-depth study that stresses the importance of the imagination in the psychotherapy of borderline conditions. Psychoanalytic theory, object relations, and developmental approaches are combined with a Jungian archetypal orientation.

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An in-depth study that stresses the importance of the imagination in the psychotherapy of borderline conditions. Psychoanalytic theory, object relations, and developmental approaches are combined with a Jungian archetypal orientation.

Publisher:Chiron Publications
Edition:7th Printing Edition
About the Author:Nathan Schwartz-Salant, Ph.D., was trained as a Jungian analyst in Zürich, Switzerland, and has a psychotherapy practice in New York City and Princeton, New Jersey. He is the author of numerous clinical papers and books, including The Mystery of Human Relationships: Alchemy and the Transformation of the Self (Routledge, 1998).
Product Dimensions:6 x 0.5 x 9 inches
Publication Date:June 1, 1989