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The Archetype of Renewal: Psychological Reflections on the Aging, Death and Rebirth of the King (Studies in Jungian Psychology in Jungian Analysts, Volume 104)

By: D. Stephenson Bond


What happens when our energy ebbs, passion dims, and we are no longer motivated to do what was once so engaging? This amounts to a crisis of faith: our previous approach to life—one that gave meaning and purpose—no longer sustains us. In effect, the old king is dead. This is a theme common to every culture, every individual life. Dr. Bond compares Jung’s views with ceremonies of the renewal of the king in ancient Babylon, always relating them to the challenge of contemporary life.

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What happens when we find that our previous ways of understanding are no longer helpful? Energy ebbs, passion dims, we are no longer motivated to do what was once so engaging. This amounts to a crisis of faith, in the sense that our previous approach to life–one that gave meaning and purpose–no longer sustains us. In effect, the old king is dead. Somehow, we must reorient ourselves, renew our perceptions and paradigms, reshape our values.

This is a theme common to every culture, every analysis, every individual life. D. Stephenson Bond paints a picture of this journey through his exploration of C.G. Jung’s chapter on “Rex and Regina” in Mysterium Coniunctionsis. Comparing it with ceremonies of the renewal of the king in ancient Babylon, and always relating it to the challenge of contemporary life, he illuminates the all too familiar experience of those who find themselves at the beginning of an unknown, rocky road and are impelled to go forward.

Publisher:Inner City Books
About the Author:D. Stephenson Bond is a practicing psychoanalyst who has lectured widely on the topics of myth and creativity. He is the author of four books, including the new novel Healing Lily (Alternative Views Publishing), Living Myth: Personal Meaning As a Way of Life (Shambhala), and The Archetype of Renewal (Inner City). He graduated with an M.Div. from Vanderbilt in 1981 and from the C. G. Jung Institute, Boston, in 1997, where he still teaches.
Product Dimensions:5.8 x 0.2 x 8.2 inches
Publication Date:November 1, 2002