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Spring #82, Symbolic Life (Spring: a Journal of Archetype and Culture)


Symbolic Life 2009 celebrates the seventieth anniversary of Jung’s 1939 lecture entitled “The Symbolic Life” to the Guild of Pastoral Psychology in London and considers if and how Jung’s path into living a symbolic life is still viable today.

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Symbolic Life

Volume 82, Spring 2009

  1. Guest Editor’s Foreword by Murray Stein
  2. Symbol as Psychic Transformer by Murray Stein
  3. Imagination and Spirituality by Robert M. Mercurio
  4. Living with Symbols by Heike Weis
  5. The Symbolic Dimension in Trauma Therapy by Ursula Wirtz
  6. The Odyssey as a Symbol for Jungian Analysis – The Limits of Symbolization by Doris Lier
  7. The Golden Fish by Nathalie Baratoff
  8. “Observe Nature and You Will Find the Stone” – Reflections on the Alchemical Treatise “Komarios to Cleopatra” by Andreas Schweizer
  9. Lady Soul by Diane Cousineau Brutsche
  10. The Wild Feminine: Reconnecting to a Powerful Archetypal Image by Katharina Casanova
  11. And the River Swelled with Horses by Eleonóra Babejová
  12. The Fountain of Memories – Buried and Uncovered by Maria Anna Bernasconi
  13. A Collective Symbolic Life of Nothingness in Postmodern Times by Bernard Sartorius


  1. The Red Book: Prima Materia of C. G. Jung: An “Enterview” with Sonu Shamdasani by Sonu Shamdasani & Rob Henderson

Current Controversies

  1. The Psychologist as Repentance Preacher and Revivalist: Robert Romanyshyn on the Melting of the Polar Ice by Wolfgang Giegerich

Book Review

  1. Twisting toward the Kingdom: A Review of Thomas Moore’s Writing in the Sand: Jesus and the Soul of the Gospels
    Review by Dennis Patrick Slattery
Publisher:Spring Journal, Inc.
About the Author:Murray Stein, Ph.D., this issue’s guest editor, is currently president of the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland. He is the author of Transformation—Emergence of the Self and The Principle of Individuation, among other books, and the editor of Jungian Psychoanalysis.
Product Dimensions:6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
Editor:Murray Stein Ph.D.
Publication Date:October 1, 2009