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Sisyphus: A Jungian Approach to Midlife Crisis

By: Verena Kast


Verena Kast refers to Sisyphus as the myth of the forty-year-olds, who often experience their lot in life to be a Sisyphus task. Are our human efforts all in vain, or is there some meaning to be found?

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Verena Kast refers to Sisyphus as the myth of the forty-year-olds, who often experience their lot in life to be a Sisyphus task. Are our human efforts all in vain, or is there some meaning to be found? In the end, it is a struggle with death itself. Dr. Kast interprets everyday events, fairy tales and psychotherapy issues in light of the Sisyphus theme, rendering it a kaleidoscope through which we can look deeply into ourselves. Verena Kast deals with a problem that also fascinated Nietzsche and Freud. This book is packed with down-to-earth experience, clinical anecdotes, wit and insight. – Murray Stein

Publisher:Daimon Verlag
About the Author:Verena Kast was born in Appenzell, Switzerland. She is Professor of Psychology at the University of Zurich, a training analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute and a psychotherapist in private practice. She lectures throughout the world and is the author of numerous successful books on psychological issues, among others, A Time to Mourn and The Nature of Loving.
Product Dimensions:5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches
Publication Date:January 1, 1991