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Psychological Perspectives #42: Body and Soul


10 in stock

SKU: ISSN00 332925 Category:



In Memory of William O. Walcott by Gilda Frantz
Body and Soul by Gilda Frantz


  1. The Royal Road and the Common Artery by Sheila Dickman Zarrow
  2. I and the Other: A Case of Symbolic Healing by Albert Kreinheader
  3. Dealing With Chronic Illness in a Symbolic Way by Rose-Emily Rothenberg
  4. Underwater Dance: The Choreography of Death and Choice in Dreams by Tima Zoe Newman
  5. Psyche, Soma, and Gene Expression by Ernest Lawrence Rossi
  6. Living with Dying by Nancy Carolyn Wood
  7. Omnibus Book Review: Body and Soul by Robin Robertson
  8. Audience with a Healer by Meredith Sabini


  1. Moonlight by Kate Knapp Johnson
  2. Zs by Dennis Saleh
  3. In the Eye by Kate Knapp Johnson
  4. The Carnales by Jorge de la O
  5. The Loon That Couldn’t Dive by Donna Glee Williams
  6. Day of a at’s Death by Dennis Saleh
  7. Daily Haikus in the Year 2000


  1. Mining the Soul: From the Inside Out. Written by Robin Robertson.
    Reviewed by Richard Messer.
  2. The Soul in Grief: Love, Death and Transformation. Written by Robert Romanyshyn.
    Reviewed by Dennis Patrick Slattery
  3. Healing Dreams. Written by Marc Barasch.
    Reviewed by Ann Walker
  4. The Wounded Body. Written by Dennis Slattery.
    Reviewed by Ann Walker


  1. Dancer in the Dark. Directed by Lars von Trier.
    Reviewed by Joyce King Heyraud
Publisher:The C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Product Dimensions:6 x 0.4 x 9 inches
Publication Date:2001