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Jung’s Red Book For Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions (Volume 1)


The essays in this volume are geared to the recognition that the posthumous publication of The Red Book: Liber Novus by C. G. Jung in 2009 was a meaningful gift to our contemporary world. Similar to the volatile times Jung found himself in when he created this work a century ago, we today too are confronted with highly turbulent and uncertain conditions of world affairs that threaten any sense of coherent meaning, personally and collectively.

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The essays in this volume are geared to the recognition that the posthumous publication of The Red Book: Liber Novus by C. G. Jung in 2009 was a meaningful gift to our contemporary world. Similar to the volatile times Jung found himself in when he created this work a century ago, we today too are confronted with highly turbulent and uncertain conditions of world affairs that threaten any sense of coherent meaning, personally and collectively. The Red Book promises to become an epochal opus for the 21st century in that it offers us guidance for finding soul under postmodern conditions.

This is the first volume of a three-volume series set up on a global and multicultural level and compiling essays from distinguished Jungian analysts and scholars.

Contributions by:

  • Murray Stein: Introduction
  • Thomas Arzt: “The Way of What Is to Come”: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions
  • Ashok Bedi: Jung’s Red Book: A Compensatory Image for Our Contemporary Culture: A Hindu Perspective
  • Paul Bishop: In a World That Has Gone Mad, Is What We Really Need … A Red Book? Plato, Goethe, Schelling, Nietzsche and Jung
  • Ann Casement: “O tempora! O mores!”
  • Josephine Evetts-Secker: “The Incandescent Matter”: Shudder, Shimmer, Stammer, Solitude
  • Nancy Swift Furlotti: Encounters with the Animal Soul: A Voice of Hope for Our Precarious World
  • Liz Greene: “The Way of What Is to Come”: Jung’s Vision of the Aquarian Age
  • John Hill: Confronting Jung: The Red Book Speaks to Our Time
  • Stephan A. Hoeller: Abraxas: Jung’s Gnostic Demiurge in Liber Novus
  • Russell A. Lockhart: Appassionato for the Imagination
  • Lance S. Owens: C.G. Jung and the Prophet Puzzle
  • Dariane Pictet: Movements of Soul in The Red Book
  • Susan Rowland: The Red Book for Dionysus: A Literary and Transdisciplinary Interpretation
  • Andreas Schweizer: Encountering the Spirit of the Depths and the Divine Child
  • Heyong Shen: Why Is The Red Book “Red”? – A Chinese Reader’s Reflections
  • Marvin Spiegelman: On the Impact of Jung and his Red Book: A Personal Story
  • Liliana Liviano Wahba: Imagination for Evil
  • John C. Woodcock: The Red Book and the Posthuman
Publisher:Chiron Publications
About the Author:Murray Stein, Ph.D., studied as an undergraduate at Yale University (B.A. in English) and attended graduate school at Yale Divinity School (M.Div.) and the University of Chicago (Ph.D. in Religion and Psychological Studies). He trained as a Jungian psychoanalyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich. From 1976 to 2003 he was a training analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago, of which he was a founding member and President from 1980 to 1985. In 1989, he joined the Executive Committee of IAAP as Honorary Secretary for Dr. Tomas Kirsch as President (1989-1995) and served as President of the IAAP from 2001 to 2004. He was president of ISAP Zurich 2008-2012 and is currently a training and supervising analyst there. He resides in Goldiwil (Tun), Switzerland. His special interests are psychotherapy and spirituality, methods of Jungian psychoanalytic treatment, and the individuation process. Major publications: In Midlife, Jung's Map of the Soul, Minding the Self, Soul: Retrieval and Tr e a t m e n t , Transformation: Emergence of the Self, and Outside, Inside and All Around. Web page: www.murraystein.com; contact email: murraywstein@gmail.com.
Product Dimensions:5.5 x 0.9 x 8.5 inches
Editor:Thomas Arzt, Murray Stein
Publication Date:October 11, 2017