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Journal of Sandplay Therapy #19-2 (2010)


Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 19, Issue 2, 2010

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Journal of Sandplay Therapy, Volume 19, Issue 2, 2010



  • Ruth Ammann- Inner Beauty of Hakoniwa: Inner Beauty of Sandplay Therapy
  • Sachiko Taki-Reece- Ah, Hakoniwa! Sand, pebbles and bottle caps, Shine brightly under the Southern Cross
  • Mariellen Griffith- The Labyrinth in Sandplay Process
  • Milvia Talamini- The Body Unveils what the Mind Holds: The Case of Diana
  • Amy Leung Wai Yin: The Three Monkeys: Capturing a Moment of Crisis
  • Rosa Napoliello Balfour, Rosalba Cagna, Ezia Palma, Chiara A. Ripamonti- The Relationship Takes Form: Reflections on Transference Images Appearing During a Psychoanalytic Treatment Utilizing Sandplay Therapy
  • Alexander von Gontard- Idiopathic To-Gait: Stasis and Progression through Sandplay Therapy
  • Yasuhiro Suzuki- The Inner Beauty of a Japanese Female: A Sandplay Case
  • Marcella Merlino- “Beauty is nothing other than the promise of happiness.” Stendhal
  • Alexander von Gontard- Sandplay Therapy Study: A Prospective Outcome Study of Sandplay Therapy with Children and Adolescents
  • Laura Soble- Spanning the Great Divide: STA National Conference, Boulder 2010
  • Harriet Friedman- In Memorian: Rosalind WInter 1948-2008
Publisher:Sandplay Therapists of America
Product Dimensions:10.5 x 7.5 x 0.35 inches
Editor:Joyce Camuyrano Cunningham
Publication Date:2010