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The Healing Spirit of Haiku

By: David H. Rosen, Joel Weishaus, Arthur Okamura (Illustrator)


For David H. Rosen and Joel Weishaus, haiku represents a healing union of intuition and sensation, past and present, self and other, ordinary and extraordinary, and current and ancient memories. In this simple, compelling book, the authors, who have lived and traveled extensively in Japan, offer 172 haikus that resonate with Zen Buddhist, Shinto, and Taoist insights.

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For David H. Rosen and Joel Weishaus, haiku represents a healing union of intuition and sensation, past and present, self and other, ordinary and extraordinary, and current and ancient memories. In this simple, compelling book, the authors, who have lived and traveled extensively in Japan, offer 172 haikus that resonate with Zen Buddhist, Shinto, and Taoist insights. Underscoring the philosophy “moments, moments, that is life,” the book takes readers beyond the ego into a healing realm of simple, archetypal words. This book is a haibun of psyche, an exchange of poetry and prose between two old friends who set out to accomplish a soulful journey together.

Publisher:North Atlantic Books
About the Author:David H. Rosen has over a hundred publications to his credit, including articles, chapters, essays, and haiku poetry. He has a long-standing interest in spirituality and the healing process. He now makes his home in College Station, Texas, and is the father of three daughters, and has two grandsons. His webpage is http://psychology.tamu.edu/Faculty/Rosen/index.html. Joel Weishaus presently lives in Portland, Oregon, where he is Visiting Faculty in Portland State University's Department of English (http://web.pdx.edu/~pdx00282).
Product Dimensions:5.9 x 0.6 x 8.9 inches
Publication Date:October 13, 2004