Cost: $180/session payable online before each session.
Refund requests must be sent by email at before Friday, 12:00 pm prior to the program paid for. No refund will be issued otherwise. The last session will be free for attendees who participate in the first 9 sessions.
To apply, email the completed application form to or mail it to
The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
10349 West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Certificate Program in Jungian Studies
For Clinicians Only
September 2021 – June 2022
The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles offers a Certificate Program in Jungian Studies for licensed mental health professionals only, which extends over a ten-month period beginning in September 2021 and ending in June 2022. It is structured around seminar courses on Saturdays, once a month, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, each focused on a current topic in Analytical Psychology.
The morning session from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm will consist of a theoretical part with the presentation of case material. Following a lunch break, the afternoon session from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm will be devoted to case consultation in smaller groups. It will provide an opportunity for discussion and integration of theoretical and clinical material.
The class is intended for licensed mental health professionals, including Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists.
Seminar courses will take place in person with the speaker at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. Online access with Zoom will also be provided.
Continuing Education:
Psychologists/MFTs/LCSWs/MFCCs: The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists. The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Nurses: The C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles is an accredited provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (Provider #07986).
A maximum of 60 CE credits can be earned based on class attendance.
Certificate: A Certificate in Jungian Studies will be awarded to participants after completion of the program. Participants may miss 2 classes and still receive the certificate.
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Jung in Context
Presented by Marybeth Carter, Ph.D.
This presentation will introduce the historical context for and fundamental principles of analytical psychology, a psychodynamic approach to understanding the structure and dynamics of consciousness and its relationship to the unconscious. We will examine key similarities and differences between analytical psychology and ego psychology, which ultimately led to a breakdown of the relationship between Jung and Freud. Finally, we will look at Jung’s psychology in light of later schools of psychoanalytic thought, such as object relations theory, and its influence in light of contemporary analytic practice.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe 3 key concepts in Jungian theory;
- Give an example of how to apply one of Jung’s key concepts to a clinical situation;
- List two critical differences between Freud and Jung’s approach to the theory and practice of psychotherapy;
- Give an example of a shared similarity between analytical psychology and later psychoanalytic thought.
Marybeth Carter, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and Jungian analyst in private practice in West Los Angeles and Palm Springs, and currently serves on the Executive Committee of the International Association for Jungian Studies (IAJS). She is an adjunct faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute and Antioch University and has a special interest in the creative arts and transcendent states. Marybeth has had an extensive career in nonprofit leadership and has published often in the victim and trauma services field.
Saturday, October 16, 2021
The Religious Nature of the Psyche
Presented by Lori Tyler, Ph.D.
Jung believed that the individual is inherently religious, capable of relating to the divine or numinous, which he saw as something separate from religious dogma. In analytical psychology, he referred to the carrier of this experience as the Self. In this presentation, we will examine the clinical relevance of Jung’s concept of the Self as it applies to conscious and unconscious processes, how to identify the Self when it emerges in clinical work, as well as some of the defensive structures which prevent the ego from resolving unconscious conflicts and impulses.
Learning Objectives:
- Distinguish between religious function and religious belief;
- Describe what is meant by the symbolic nature of the religious function;
- Describe what is meant by the Self;
- Give three examples of how Jung’s concept of the Self can emerge in clinical work.
Lori Tyler, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and Jungian analyst in private practice in Long Beach and serves as Co-Director of the Kieffer Frantz Clinic at the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. In addition to her work with adults and couples, she also facilitates a monthly dream tending group that explores the symbolic language of the soul as expressed through dream imagery. Her areas of interest include shamanism, alchemy, theology, sandplay, and collage as an expression of inner life.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Active Imagination
Presented by Marion Anderson, Ph.D.
Jung was interested in the symbolic expression of unconscious material, not only in his work with dreams but also through a creative process which he called active imagination. He believed that through writing, drawing, painting, working in clay, and movement, patients might be able to contact and give voice to aspects of their inner world. We will examine the history and roots of this practice, its theoretical background, and assumptions, as well as focus on clinical vignettes which demonstrate some of the ways in which active imagination can be of value in helping patients integrate aspects of their personality.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe what is meant by active imagination contrasting it with imaginative techniques;
- Describe 4 forms of active imagination in clinical practice;
- Give an example of when it would be therapeutically appropriate to incorporate active imagination;
- Give an example of when active imagination would be counter-indicated.
Marion Anderson, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and Jungian analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. At the moment, she sees clients online and in person and has a private practice in Santa Monica where she works with adults who suffer from anxiety, depression, trauma, cultural adaptation, and major life transitions. Dr. Anderson is also a certified sandplay therapist and speaks German, English, and Portuguese.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
The Relationship Between the Ego and the Unconscious
Presented by J. Gordon Nelson, Ph.D.
This presentation will examine some of the foundational concepts inherent in Jungian psychology, such as the role of the ego, shadow, persona, and the complexes in psychological development. Jung’s concept of individuation is based on the notion that it is the integration of the split-off or rejected parts of the psyche, our innate “otherness” which ultimately leads to a strengthening of the ego and a sense of wholeness. We will identify some of the clinical issues inherent in coming to terms with these often disavowed aspects of the ego and the struggle between inner work vs. willpower in approaching a relationship with the unconscious.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe what is meant by the shadow and give an example of how it might manifest in a clinical setting;
- Describe what is meant by the term persona from an adaptive vs a destructive perspective;
- Describe what is meant by the complexes and why Jung’s approach to psychotherapy was originally called “Complex Theory”;
- Describe what is meant by individuation and its role in the analytic process.
Gordon Nelson, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst and educational psychologist in Santa Monica. He has taught the complete C. G. Jung Collected Works Reading Program many times, as well as many individual training courses on Jung at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, and at other professional psychology graduate schools. He is a past president of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and former Chair of its Certifying Board for new analysts.
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Jung’s Typology
Presented by Steve Galipeau, M.A., M.Div.
Psychological Types was Jung’s first major work after his break with Freud and was influenced by his experience as a psychiatrist with patients, his association with Freud, dialogues with other colleagues, and through his profound inner experiences as reported in The Red Book. In addition to examining the development of his theory of typology, we will explore various clinical applications of psychological types, the relevance of typology to an individual’s self-understanding to couples and relationships, as well as family dynamics. We will also assess how typology can influence the interactions of clinicians with their patients, alert us to blind spots that can occur, and other issues related to typology that can affect the therapeutic process.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the role of typology in the development of individual psychology;
- Describe the relationship between the superior function and the auxiliary function in the personality;
- Identify problems related to the inferior function in the personality;
- Identify issues of typology in clinical practice.
Steven Galipeau, M. A., M. Div., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Woodland Hills and President and Executive Director of Coldwater Counseling Center in Studio City. The author of The Journey of Luke Skywalker: An Analysis of Modern Myth and Symbol and Transforming Body and Soul: Therapeutic Wisdom in the Gospel Healing Stories, Steve has also written several articles and reviews for various Jungian journals and lectured nationally and internationally on a variety of topics related to Analytical Psychology. Steve lectures regularly at the Institute. He mostly recently lectured on Moby Dick.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Fairy Tales in Jungian Work
Presented by Marlene Frantz, M.A., M.F.T.
Fairy tales are allegorical stories that carry meaningful symbolic representations of complex external challenges, internal conflicts, and psychological processes. In this seminar, we will look at the symbolic nature of fairy tales and learn how to analyze them and amplify their archetypal images, characters, and themes through a process that is similar to the interpretation of dreams. We will also discuss why the interpretation of fairy tales is such an important clinical tool in Jungian psychology, and when it can be appropriate to introduce the use of fairy tales in our analytic work with patients. Please bring a favorite fairy tale to share that has always felt particularly important to you.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe Jung’s concept of amplification as it pertains to working with fairy tales in clinical practice;
- Give an example of how the interpretation of fairy tales can help a patient to become more aware of their unconscious conflicts;
- Describe what is meant by an archetype;
- Give an example of when it would be therapeutically appropriate to introduce the interpretation of fairy tales.
Marlene Frantz, M.A., M.F.T., is a Jungian analyst, a group psychotherapist, and an equine therapist in private practice in Santa Monica and Topanga, California. She has contributed articles and been a featured artist in Psychological Perspectives; is a member of the teaching faculty of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and Jung in Ireland; and has lectured on creativity, grief, facing mortality, and equine therapy. In addition, she has lead groups and workshops in Los Angeles on the creative process, dreams, uncovering personal rituals around food, and rebuilding one’s life after loss.
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Presented by Robert Moradi, M.D.
Dreams can serve as metaphors for unconscious conflicts, highlight shadow or disavowed parts of the personality, reveal aspects of our interpersonal relationships, reflect issues in the transference, make us more aware of the role of our somatic experience, alert us to psychological issues that are in the process of becoming conscious, and connect us to our innermost authentic core sense of self. In this class, we will focus on how to identify different types of dreams, ways of helping the dreamer to amplify their dream material, how to distinguish between the personal and archetypal aspects of a dream, and the role of specific kinds of dreams in the context of the analytic process.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe what is meant by a compensatory dream and give an example from clinical practice;
- Describe what is meant by a transference dream and give an example from clinical practice;
- Give an example of how the use of amplification and association can help a patient understand the symbolic content of their dream;
- Give an example of how a dream can help a patient to become more aware of their unconscious conflicts.
Robert Moradi, M.D., is a Jungian analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and a board-certified psychiatrist in private practice in Santa Monica. He is a clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine. Currently, he teaches and writes on Jungian approaches to clinical practice.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Presented by Carmen Kobor, Ph.D.
This presentation will examine the core psychological concepts Jung discovered in the alchemical symbolism of the Rosarium Philosophorum, their relevance to the transference phenomena, and implication in clinical practice. We will identify the central difference between Freud and Jung’s positions in regard to the transference, and describe how the Jungian psychological concept of the transference can be applied in psychotherapeutic practice.
Learning Objectives:
- List central differences between Freud and Jung’s view of the transference;
- Describe the role of projection in the transference and its implications for treatment;
- Give an example of how a symbolic representation of the transference can be evidenced in a patient’s dream material;
- Describe what Jung meant by the term prima materia (prime matter) as a symbol of the patient’s presenting problem, complex, or symptom, and the significance of this concept in psychotherapeutic practice.
Carmen Kobor, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in Beverly Hills, and a member of the faculty at the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. Her area of interest is the role of the soul in clinical practice. Dr. Kobor has lectured on this topic at the 4th International Congress of the International Society of Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority at Trinity College, Dublin, in a presentation entitled The Crucible of Soul Logos.
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Working with Children
Presented by Elizabeth Schofield-Bickford, M.F.T.
This seminar will introduce different theoretical approaches to working with children in an analytic context, including issues of transference and countertransference, the function of the therapist, as well as the role of the parents. Drawing from clinical case material which will include art, play, dreams, and sandplay, we will focus on Jung’s concept of individuation as it pertains to the psychological development of the child. Our readings will be drawn from Brian Feldman’s Jung’s Infancy and Childhood and its Influence Upon the Development of Analytical Psychology, and LaVon Bobo’s Neumann’s Map: Guide to Sandplay as a Natural Evolutionary Process.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe Jung’s concept of individuation as it pertains to working with children;
- Give an example of how to identify themes that are woven through a child’s process using examples from sandplay, art, dreams, and symbolic play;
- Describe the analytic function of the therapist in working with children;
- Give an example of how to work with transference and countertransference in child psychotherapy.
Elizabeth Schofield-Bickford, M.F.T., is a Child and Adult Jungian Analyst and a member of the CG Jung Institute of Los Angeles and a Registered Sandplay Practitioner with the Sandplay Therapists of America. She is the Co-Director of the Hilde Kirsch Children’s Center and a past host of the Certificate Program here at the Institute. Her article entitled “Dying to Be An Analyst” was published in Psychological Perspectives in 2020. She has a private practice in Santa Monica where she sees children and adults.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Presented by Barry Miller, Ph.D.
This seminar will present an overview of human sexuality, including the physical, emotional, and spiritual dynamics that form the complexity of this fundamental and perplexing of human drives. Current collective views on the nature and meaning of sexuality will be explored, focusing on the subjective, cultural influences on our ideas and views about erotic experiences. The perspective of analytical psychology will be used to encourage a deeper understanding of clinical material that will be presented to demonstrate how the psyche expresses itself and its intentions through sexualization.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe how personality is developed through relationship to the compensatory expression of psyche through sexuality;
- Differentiate between sexuality that is ‘ecstasy’ based from ‘relationship’ based;
- Describe and differentiate the biological functions of sexuality from the
psychological functions; - Describe the ‘Religious Function’ inherent in sexuality.
Barry Miller, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst and clinical psychologist in West Hollywood. In addition to serving as faculty at the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, he lectures frequently on dreams, sexuality, and transference, and countertransference issues.
Learning Objectives for Case Consultation:
- Describe the transference/countertransference field and how it manifests in the consulting room;
- Identify how complexes are manifested in projection;
- Describe what is meant by an analytic or symbolic attitude towards the unconscious;
- Explain how Jungian analysis is different from other analytic schools of thought;
- Describe what is meant by the role of symbol formation in analysis, what contributes and what inhibits this process;
- Describe what is meant by the ego-Self axis and give an example from clinical practice;
- Describe what is meant by a complex and give an example from clinical practice;
- Describe what is meant by the personal shadow, and give an example from clinical practice;
- Describe what is meant by the collective shadow, and give an example;
- Describe what is meant by the Anima and give an example from clinical practice;
- Describe what is meant by Animus and give a clinical example;
- Describe what is meant by an archetype, and give an example from clinical practice;
- Describe what is meant by a complex having an archetypal core;
- Describe how to use imagery from a myth or fairy tale as a means of amplifying a psychological experience;
- Explain how typology affects the development of the personality using a clinical example;
- Describe what is meant by projection and give an example from clinical practice;
- Describe active imagination and how to work with it in clinical practice;
- Describe the difference between ego versus Self perspective in dream interpretation;
- Discuss the difference between a reductive vs an amplification approach to working with dreams;
- Give an example of how the transference can manifest in a patient’s dream;
- Give an example of how an archetypal theme manifests in dreams;
- Describe the role of transference in the analytic process;
- Describe the role of countertransference in the analytic process;
- Describe the personal and archetypal aspects of the transference;
- Describe how the therapist’s typology can affect one’s work with patients using a clinical example.