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Encounter with Jung

By: Eugene Rolfe


Encounter with Jung is a touching story of Eugene Rolfe’s English upbringing, his work, his psychological development and his struggle to find meaning and purpose. It traces the steps that led him to study psychology and, finally, to meet Jung six months before Jung’s death.

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At the end of his life, Jung read Eugene Rolfe’s book, The Intelligent Agnostic’s Introduction to Christianity. Jung then wrote to Rolfe saying he had moments when he felt defeated, alone and misunderstood, and that there were few who understood his ideas and fewer still who understood the totality of thought. Jung found ROlfe’s work refreshing and said of it, “…the theme is so rich that one cannot hope to exhaust it.”

Encounter with Jung is a touching story of Rolfe’s English upbringing, his work, his psychological development and his struggle to find meaning and purpose. It traces the steps that led him to study psychology and, finally, to meet Jung six months before Jung’s death.

Publisher:SIGO Press
About the Author:Eugene Rolfe was born and lives in England. His interest in and contributions to the Jungian world are great. He is the author of The Intelligent Agnostic's Introduction to Christianity and translator of C.A. Meier's Volume I of The Psychology of C.G. Jung: The Unconscious in its Empirical Manifestations.
Product Dimensions:9 x 6 x 0.75 inches
Publication Date:1989