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The Dove in the Stone: Finding the Sacred in the Commonplace

By: Alice O. Howell


A Jungian lecturer and astrologer searches for the sacred in the commonplace on a Celtic pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona, in Scotland. “Iona,” the Hebrew word for dove, became home to St. Columba, whose name in Latin means dove, in the year 563 on the Eve of the Pentecost — the day of the ascent of the Holy Spirit in the Christian calendar, also symbolized by a dove.

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SKU: 0835606392 Category:


A Jungian lecturer and astrologer searches for the sacred in the commonplace on a Celtic pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona, in Scotland. “Iona,” the Hebrew word for dove, became home to St. Columba, whose name in Latin means dove, in the year 563 on the Eve of the Pentecost — the day of the ascent of the Holy Spirit in the Christian calendar, also symbolized by a dove.

And so the narrative goes on, finding synchronicities of understanding at every turn.

Publisher:Quest Books
Edition:1st Edition
About the Author:Alice O. Howell is the author of The Dove in the Stone: Finding the Sacred in the Commonplace and The Web in the Sea: Jung, Sophia, and the Geometry of the Soul, and editor of A. Bronson Alcott’s How Like an Angel Came I Down.
Product Dimensions:5.2 x 0.8 x 8.5 inches
Publication Date:January 1, 1988