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Psychology and Alchemy (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.12)

By: C. G. Jung


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SKU: 0691097712 Category:


Psychology and Alchemy has been one of Jung’s most influential works. In a prefatory note, he says: “in this present study of alchemy I have taken a particular example of symbol-formation, extending in all over some seventeen centuries, and have subjected it to intensive examination, linking it at the same time with an actual series of dreams recorded by a modern European not under my direct supervision and having no knowledge of what the symbols appearing in the dream might mean. It is by such intensive comparisons as this (and not one but many) that the hypothesis of the collective unconscious- of an activity in the human psyche making for the spiritual development of the individual human being- may be scientifically established.”

This volume includes 270 illustrations, drawn largely from old alchemical books and manuscripts, many of which were in Jung’s personal collection.

Publisher:Princeton University Press
About the Author:Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist who founded analytical psychology. His work has been influential not only in psychiatry but also in philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, literature, and religious studies.
Product Dimensions:9.25 x 6.25 x 2 inches
Editor:Herbert Read; Michael Fordham, M.D, M.R.C.P.; Gerhard Alder, Ph.D.; William McGuire (executive editor)
Translator:R. F. C. Hull
Publication Date:1993