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Psychological Perspectives #57-2: The Shamanic and Magical Realms


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The Shamanic and Magical Realms by Gilda Frantz
About the Artist: The Huichol Yarn Paintings of Jose Benitez Sanchez by Barbara Horton


  1. Nonshamanic Native American Healing  by Jerome S. Bernstein
  2. The Way of the Serpent by Patricia Damery
  3. An Elder Sitting by the Fire: My Path to Jung by Ian Player
  4. Abracadabra Tongue: Poetry Magic by Naomi Ruth Lowinsky
  5. A Shamanic Journey under the Wildebeest Skin by Rose-Emily Rothenberg
  6. Symbols of Transformation in the Observance of Sukkot by Susan Schept


  1. The Higgs Boson by Stephen Witty
  2. The Snake in My Head by Stephen Witty
  3. Climate Crazy by James Palmer
  4. The New Age Bookstore by James Palmer

Book Reviews

  1. The Jung-Kirsch Letters: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and James Kirsch. (2011). Edited by Ann Conrad Lammers and translated by Ursula Egli and Ann Conrad Lammers.
    Reviewed by J. Marvin Spiegelman
  2. The Braided Path. (2014). Written by Donna Glee Williams.
    Reviewed by Jeremy Taylor

Film Review

  1. Bye Bye Brasil. (1979). Directed by Carlos Diegues.
    Reviewed by Christa Marie Sacco
Publisher:The C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Product Dimensions:6 x 0.3 x 9 inches
Publication Date:2014