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Psychological Perspectives #45: Mystery of Synchronicity


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About the Artist by Nancy Mozur
The Mystery of Synchronicity by Margaret P. Johnson
Letter to the Editor by Marika Henriques


  1. Umbelini: The Voice of the Unconscious by Penny Norris
  2. A Unitary World: The Place of the Brain in Jung’s Psychoid Reality by Robin Robertson
  3. The Bacchae of Euripides: A Very Modern Play by Julian David
  4. What the Centaur Said: Of Sacred Springs, Neolithic Caves, and the Mysteries of Thrace by Naomi Ruth Lowinsky
  5. The Certainty of Uncertainty by Terry Marks-Tarlow
  6. Two Souls within the Human Breast by Michael Gellert

Poetry and Fiction

  1. Up Rustler’s Gulch: A Winter Solstice of Offering by Monika Wikman
  2. Night Currents by Risa Kaparo
  3. Impossible Distances by Martin Williams
  4. Song of the Hair of the Loin of Women by Dennis Saleh
  5. Namesake by Ann Colburn
  6. Upon Opening My Father’s Violin Case by Shirley Windward
  7. Himself: At 75 by Jack Rice
  8. This Being of Midnight by Monika Wikman
  9. October Dream by Rosemary Okun
  10. Exequy of Sand by Risa Kaparo
  11. Dickering by Ann Colburn
  12. Oblation by Dennis Saleh
  13. Death is a Fat Man by Shirley Windward

Book Reviews

  1. Jung and the Alchemical Imagination. Written by Jeffery Raff.
    Reviewed by Mary Ellen O’Hare-Lavin
  2. Path to the Sou: Unifying Eastern and Western Wisdom. Written by Ashok Bedi.
    Reviewed by James A. Hall
  3. The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep. Written by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
    Reviewed by Marvin Spiegelman
  4. The Psyche on Stage: Individuation Motifs in Shakespeare and Sophocles. Written by Edward Edinger, edited by Sheila Dickman Zarrow.
    Reviewed by Meg Wilbur
  5. Lying Awake. Written by Mark Salzman.
    Reviewed by Sheila Dickman Zarrow
  6. Self Through Art and Science. Edited by Patton Howell and James Hall.
    Reviewed by Robin Robertson

Film Reviews

  1. The Hours.
    Reviewed by Joyce King Heyraud
  2. Girlfight.
    Reviewed by Michael P. Aanavi
Publisher:The C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles
Product Dimensions:6 x 0.35 x 9 inches
Publication Date:2003