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Psychological Perspectives #62-1: Mothers, Daughters, and Psyche


Psychological Perspectives, Volume 62, Issue 1 (2019).

47 in stock



  1. Mothers, Daughters, and Psyche by Gilda Frantz
  2.  About the Art by Nancy Mozur


  1.  The Bad Mother by Puddi Kullberg
  2.  The Death Mother as Nature’s Shadow: Infanticide, Abandonment, and the Collective Unconsciousness by Daniela F. Sieff
  3.  The Muse of Losing My Mother by Naiomi Ruth Lowinsky
  4.  “My Mother is Dead”: A Story of the Negative Mother Complex in Life and in Death by Pamela Freundl Kirst
  5.  In Search of a Jungian Approach to Equine Therapy by Marlene Frantz
  6.  Planting the Golden Flower: A Dream of Hope in the Age of Trump by Susan Olson
  7.  Resolving a Split in Feminine Development: The Pretty and the Ugly Maidens by Lara Newton
  8.  Still Working on Pscyhe’s Last Task: A Second-Wave Feminist Looks Back on Her Past in Light of the #MeToo Movement by Susan C. Roberts
  9. Of Fearful Desire: Morality and Imagination by Rosalind G. Wholden


  1. Lazarus by Merle Molofsky
  2. My Mother Sleeps with the Rabbit Angstrom by Liz Ziemska


  1. Coyote Alone by Mathew Spano
  2. Negative Space by Shirley Sullivan
  3. Dark Queens by Marianne Simon
  4. Postcards from Jackson by Maia
    1. Peregrine
    2. The Pearl
    3. High Wheat/ Trigo Crecido

Book Review

  1. Poetic Inquiry: Enchantment of Place. (2017). Edited by Pauline Sameshima, Alexandra Fidyk, Kedrick James, and Carl Leggo. Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.
    Reviewed by Naoimi Ruth Lowinsky

Film Review

  1. Knight of Cups. (2016). A Gnostic Cinematic Prayer. Directed by Terrence Malick. Photographed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
    Reviewed by Arlene Landau
Publication Date:2019